Narrative Description of the Project:
IPTM, demonstrated its commitment to excellence by orchestrating a comprehensive overseas Training Program in Vietnam focused on 'General Hydrology, River Morphology & Ground Water Hydrology.' Additionally, a Study Tour/Exposure Visit Program was meticulously organized to provide participants with invaluable insights into 'Hydrological Equipment Experience' in Germany and Italy. Both program was organized for the BWDB officials under Bangladesh Weather and Climate Services Regional Project (BWCSRP) & "Strengthening Hydrological Information Services & Early Warning Systems" Project of BWDB, Ministry of Water Resources. This ambitious endeavor saw the successful training of 15 participants divided into two batches, facilitating the acquisition of specialized knowledge and skills in the field of hydrology and equipping them to contribute to water resource management with enhanced expertise. They were aimed to replicate there learning from Vietnam, Italy & Germany in the context of Bangladesh for the development of hydrological services. It was held from July- October 2019.
Key Activities: